I wasn't looking for Google... but Google was looking for me.
seemed very austere. No flashing banners, no blinking buttons, no
prettiness at all in fact, but very COOL non-the-less. Less is more.
Clothed in simple green and blue, I liked Google right away.
said that I could search all of the world's information that was
currently online. Google said that one day, in the near future, the sum
of all human experience, the totality of all knowledge would be safely
stored, managed and maintained by Google.
Wow! I said. What do you want in return? Nothing said Google. Google love is yours for FREE.
Google said to me that I could use a new 'threaded' email system that
would give me 2Gb of web memory space so that I need never ever delete
another email. All of my emails could be kept for the record, on the
record forever.
Wow! I said. What do you want in return? Nothing said Google. Google love is yours for FREE.
later Google said to me that I was so cherished that I could have a
calendar in which I could input all of my appointments and tasks and all
of my contacts of friends, family and associates. I could access this
information from any computer, anywhere in the world at any time.
Wow! I said. What do you want in return? Nothing said Google. Google love is yours for FREE.
Google gave me Docs for me to write, analyse, plan and present with
complete ease and accessible by anyone whom I authorised. My friend and I
could collaborate and work on the same document together even if he was
in Tokyo and I am in London.
Wow! I said. What do you want in return? Nothing said Google. Google love is yours for FREE.
encouraged me to use Chrome as my browser of choice as all other
browsers are... so steam-aged. Google convinced me that I needed speed
in my browsing experience. This is the fastest loading browser on God's
Green Earth they said. I hate Redmond so I was cool with that.
Wow! I said. What do you want in return? Nothing said Google. Google love is yours for FREE.
the years Google has given me Alerts, Books, Blogger, Checkout, Custom
Search, Desktop, Earth, Finance, iGoogle, Images, Maps, News, Product
Search, Scholar, Toolbar, YouTube and also Groups, Picassa, Reader,
Sites, SketchUp, Translate and more...
Wow! I said. What do you want in return? Nothing said Google. Google love is yours for FREE.
Google just kept on giving and giving and giving...
Over the years Google and I have become very close, so close that Google now knows more about me than I probably do myself.
I am, who my friends and family are: Gmail, Contacts, Calendar,
Checkout, Streetview. Google has a record of all of my personal
information including banking and financial affairs. My calendar holds
up to date contact information on all of my family, friends and business
associates. It knows where they all live and what their houses and
streets look like.
My financial affairs: AdSense, AdWords,
Checkout, Streetview. Google knows where I work, what I do and how much
money I make, where that money comes from and why. Google knows where I
work, from which office and what it looks like.
Where I am, what
time, with whom, for how long: Calendar, Latitude, Maps, Gmail, Earth,
Search. Google knows where I am from my calendar but also from the
computer I am using it can tell which city I'm in, how I got there,
which websites I visit, how long I stayed there and which language I
read in.
What I read and talk about: Google News, Gmail, Blogger,
Search, GTalk, Voice. Google knows what type of news I am interested in.
It knows what subjects I read about. It knows and has back ups of every
single email that I have sent or was sent to me and by whom at what
time and what the content was. These are packaged in 'conversations' so
are all related to each other.
What my interests are: Search,
Blogger, Voice, Picassa, Gmail, Chrome, Docs, Checkout. Google tracks
every search I make and which links I click to and for how long. Google
knows my shopping habits, what I buy, where they are delivered to and
how much it cost. It deduces my spending budget and financial
What I watch and when I watch: YouTube, Search,
Chrome. Google notes what I look at on YouTube and how many similar
videos I watch. It can deduce from this what kind of TV and movie shows I
would be interested in and when they should be promoted to me. Every
search is logged and recorded.
Cross-referenced and
cross-correlated Google can infer from this arsenal of digital
information my complete make-up as a person and a Google user.
listing above is not exhaustive and I'm sure you can point out other
areas of Google dominance. Hint: Google Health, Google Mobile, Google
Wave, Chrome OS... get my drift?
You might think that, knowing all
of the above as I do, I am against Google but you'd be wrong. Apart
from the China censorship scandal, I actually believe that, on balance,
Google is a worthy entity and on the whole makes life easier for most.
Right now, it is a benevolent power.
I'll panic when the Google board members consider changing the name to SkyNet.
Did Google Steal My Soul?
I am Sal Abdin. I make the money because I sweat and put the
effort in. If you do the same you might make money too
[http://yournetrich.com]... but if you don't, you won't. Any and all
businesses carry some risks so don't invest what you can't afford. You
might lose money, the world could end or... you could actually be
successful, earn big bucks and the respect and jealousy of your friends. Don't do drugs, respect your elders and recycle plastics.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3794910
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