I have always thought of SEO as optimizing your content, both
on-site and off-site, so that it ranks at the top of the search engines.
Promoting your content or site should never be a crime in the eyes of
Google or any search engine for that matter.
Years ago, before I
even knew what SEO was, I wrote an article and submitted it to the major
online article directories. Next morning my article and links were on a
thousand sites across the web, that may be a bit of an exaggeration but
you get the picture. How can Google or anyone fault webmasters for
voting on the quality of your content by placing it on their sites?
thing happens when your visitors bookmark, tweet or digg your content
and you end up on the homepage of Digg with hundreds of sites linking to
your content. How can Google fault you for that happening?
Democracy happens. SEO happens.
not without a lot of promotion and marketing to get the wheels rolling.
If you want to sit around and wait for things to happen, buy a big soft
cushion and some extra patience at the check-out counter because you're
going to need it.
Any business has the right to advertise, to
aggressively market their products. How can Google fault any company for
doing such a thing? Now outright buying of thousands of links to get
your site to the top should be wrong but presenting quality link bait in
the form of articles, videos, ebooks, press releases, quality
information... and letting webmasters decide what content and sites they
want to link to should be at the heart of all this foolishness.
SEO is knowing how to fine-tune your link bait and your site to reach the top spot in organic search.
is Google cracking down on webmasters who actively pursue this kind of
link building? On webmasters who try to get those embedded anchor text
links on important relevant sites? Are they trying to give SEO a bad
name? Like that's even possible!
Over the years, my sites have
held some very profitable keywords on the first page results in organic
search, mostly in Google. That's mainly because I optimize my content
and web pages to rank well in Google. I have been quietly Google
Sculpting for years, controlling what links I want on their first page
Actually, ranking well in Google is not rocket science
and any idiot can do it; all it takes is good quality content and plenty
of good quality backlinks to that content. Anchor text (underlined
clickable part of an URL) is extremely important for ranking high in
Google but you have to be careful to vary your keywords because many SEO
experts believe Google has a keyword quota -- use the same keyword too
often and your content will be penalized for keyword and/or URL
spamming. Makes sense.
Actually, I have been studying and
analyzing Google since it was merely an itch on someone's back. And it
seems like I have been constantly rubbing that ever changing Algorithm
ever since. Generally, it has paid off handsomely for me and I have been
a full-time professional search engine marketer for 3 or 4 years now.
am rarely stumped by Google but it does happen occasionally. And
recently my SEO alter ego took a massive beating, some kind of filter
has taken one of my main keyword phrases off the first page of Google
and landed it in the 60th place. Ouch!
What is even compounding
the problem, this keyword phrase sometimes bounces back onto the first
page and then back off again. This is not like Google, they are never
erratic unless it's one of their dances or a major update when all hell
usually breaks loose. For the most part, my keywords in Google have been
fairly stable, if they drop, they drop slowly and because I have
stopped promoting them. Years of monitoring your keywords tells you
something very different is happening here in this case.
It is
totally frustrating when Google won't do what you want them to do!
Usually they are so easy to lead and they take directions so well.
However, this recent erratic keyword bouncing in Google has me so
perplexed I am stumbling to find possible reasons. I am jumping to
conclusions way too quickly.
In my case, Google was listing both
my main index homepage and my optimized page for the same keyword
phrase. This appears to be diluting the ranking of both pages. The
optimized page was at around 50 and my homepage came in at the 95 spot.
However, this seems to be more my mistake than Google's, since I
inadvertently placed the same keyword phrase in links on my homepage
going to other interior pages and not necessarily to my main optimized
page which I wanted and which is usually ranked in Google for this
keyword phrase.
Let me explain further, I develop sections/guides
on my site that are keyworded to different markets generally relating to
the theme of my site or domain. For the keyword phrase in question, I
have a well established page that's linked from hundreds of related
sites around the web; this is the page that should be ranked for this
keyword phrase since it is the most relevant, not my homepage. Likewise,
on my own site I have constructed my pages so that PR flows to this
optimized page. For years, this optimized interior page held the number
one spot in Google.
Could this possibly have something to with
regards to PageRank Sculpting, which Matt Cutts spoke about in a recent
blog post? If PR sculpting no longer works on my site, can this be
causing the erratic bouncing of that particular keyword but if this is
true -- why aren't my other keywords turning into bungee cord wannabes?
there could be separate filters at play here and the above scenario has
nothing to do with these bouncing keywords within Google. It seems to
be connected with URL spamming in some form or manner, even when those
links are legitimate links coming from quality sites. It seems Google's
Algorithm has become so sophisticated and complex, it probably has
developed a mind of its own and nobody can tell it what to do.
it is always rather foolish to draw conclusions regarding Google on
just a few erratic keywords. But something definitely has changed in how
Google is ranking those keywords - could it be that PageRank Sculpting
or even Google Sculpting is killing the old tried and true SEO
techniques. I am seeing a lot more Brand Rankings in the SERPs which
Aaron Wall talked about a little while back; I am also seeing much more
relevance on News listings, more relevance on Video listings... can
Google be shaking up the whole ranking order?
Rumor has it that
many top Google big-wigs are upset with the introduction of Microsoft's
Bing into the search arena. That orders have gone out to shake up and
improve Google's Algorithm... to further combat this pesty new
But does Google have to worry about Bing? The answer
is a possible yes - if you do a side by side comparison of Google and
Bing here: http://www.blackdog.ie/google-bing/search-com.php
will see Bing is not half bad - whether it can give Google a run for
its search dollar money is still up in the air but it could definitely
eat into Google's share of the search market. I am seeing Bing turning
up in my own traffic stats with a lot more traffic than I get from MSN
or Windows Live; now it's no where near the amount of traffic Google
delivers but still it more than what was there before Bing launched.
this shouldn't give Google any sleepless nights but Google can't afford
to take too many catnaps if it wants to keep its dominance in online
Could all these background events be playing into Google's
shakeup of how it lists popular lucrative keywords. I am not seeing the
same kind of movement in my other less profitable keywords. Can Google
be hand-picking certain lucrative keywords and applying different
standards or filters to those keywords? Are there "human eyes" filtering
Google's organic rankings? Extremely hard to believe with Google's well
deserved reputation, but something is definitely not routine as usual
in the Kingdom of Google?
It now seems to rank high for certain
lucrative keywords in Google, you MUST have TWO highly ranked optimized
pages instead of JUST one?
Is this a new and more powerful
ranking factor which overrules most other factors? It's my most burning
SEO question at the moment. What has caused that keyword to drop so far,
so fast? And why does this keyword phrase seem to be in Everflux, with
new listings jumping unto the first page every day. The
rankings/listings are much, much more fluid than they used to be; if
Google ranks all its keywords in this fluctuating manner, SEO may indeed
be dead. At least whitehat SEO where the webmaster is doing everything
according to the rules.
Again, this is micro-reasoning on my part
since all this could be just some filters holding my keywords back or
recent activity from competing sites have suddenly increased and my
rankings have naturally dropped when compared to them. But I have held
that keyword for years in Google, how dare other sites take my spot? For
the other sites to gain so quickly and for mine to fall so fast and so
far has me scratching my head. Something just doesn't smell right in the
land of Google?
Could something more sinister be going on? Could
someone be Google Sculpting my links in the opposite direction? Since
it's so easy to sculpt or convince Google to list your page, can it be
just as easy for someone to use underhand methods to get your page or
site ranked lower? Spam your link on thousands of nasty sites or simply
get you ranked for two pages for the same keyword, one of them that's
poorly optimized such as your homepage so as to pull both of them down
lower. This is too laughable and too paranoid to entertain, or is it?
I have learned long ago, SEO has to be taken with a large grain of
salt. Besides, this is just one of thousands of keywords I am
monitoring. Win or lose, I am having the time of my life, even when
Google goes erratic and won't do what I want them to do. After all, when
everything is said and done; SEO means never having to say you're
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