Video has gradually emerged as the most effective brand-marketing tool in contemporary business. A report by Forrester Research shows that over 76% of online shoppers find a company more reliable if it features visual content on its site. To appreciate the popularity of this promotional tool, consider a report by Etail Insights showing that YouTube is now the 2nd largest search engine, bigger than Yahoo, Bing and all others combined. If you are looking for an effective branding tool, it is time to contact a video production company to come up with a compelling product. Other than the irrefutable statistics, there are other practical reasons to use this media for this purpose. Take a look: 1. Encourage Sharing According to eMarketer, over 80% of viewers share the content online and this means your videos can go viral very easily. If you have thumbnails on your social media platforms, you will get more attention as opposed to any text message you have used. 2. Enhanced Engagement Text messages are arduous to read and internet users don't have the time. When you use visuals to explain your company and promote it, you will have captivated the attention of many users who want quick access to information on the go. If you have a creative call to action, it is easier to generate leads. 3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) This is the holy grail of online marketing and if your website is not ranking highly, it is time to change tactics by contacting a video production service provider. Visual content gives positive signs to search engines and indeed, it is no secret that Google ranks sites with visuals highly. This form of content also improves conversion and helps you build invaluable inbound links based on the visuals you have on your website. 4. Customer Loyalty The open rate for newsletters and emails containing visual content is over 200% compared to texts only according to Forrester Research. These marketing tools are crucial in building customer loyalty and if this marketing tool helps retain your customers and engage new ones, it is important to embrace it sooner than later. 5. Personalization It is easy to customize your brand using video production as opposed to texts. When you watch promotional content online, it is very easy to identify your firm even before a few seconds of the video plays. It is easy to use your own color themes, logos and other graphics to connect with your target audience and to increase brand awareness. A tailor-made campaign is great if you want to make a mark in your particular niche. 6. Cost-efficiency Brand marketing has been the Achilles heel of most businesses due to the costs involved. However, with emergence of affordable and innovative video production, it is now possible for startups to compete with established firms in their niche by leveraging versatility of their productions. If you want to enhance your company's visibility online then talk to an established video production company to create professional videos. Article Source:

Boost Your Brand Marketing With Videos

1. What went wrong between you and your ex? Interrogating a woman about her previous relationship is never a good idea. Relationships end for a reason. First dates are supposed to be light, a laid-back meeting to see if there's chemistry. Don't get too deep and risk scaring her away. 2. If you could change 3 things about yourself, what would you change? Asking a woman what she would change about herself implies that you don't like something about her. Women never want to hear that you dislike anything about them. Stay away from negative conversations, and focus on the positive ones. 3. How much money do you make? Her salary, or yours for that matter, is irrelevant. The purpose of a first date is to get to know each other, not to find out how much is in each other's wallets. Concentrate on the conversation, not how much money you both have. 4. Do you still talk to your ex? The past should stay in the past. If she communicates with her ex, it's not important as of now. Focus on the present. 5. Tell me about your most recent dating experience. Talking about your last dating experience is really awkward. When a girl is on a date with you, there's no need to worry about who she went out with last week or even last month. 6. Have you had any plastic surgery? You might be dying to know how the woman you're sitting across from looks so amazing, and if she's had any work done, but now is not the time to ask. Questions about plastic surgery and enhancements are personal. Save those questions for when you really get to know each other. 7. I have a question about what I saw on Google... Revealing to a woman that you online stalked her in any way is creepy. No need for Google questions on a first date. 8. What size are you? Asking a woman her waist size is inappropriate, insulting, and offensive. If you like the way she looks, her size shouldn't matter. 9. What was your GPA? When you're over the age of 21, your GPA isn't important. Being book smart is valuable info to some people, where real-world success matters to others. 10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? You never want a date to feel like she's on an interview. When you ask a woman where she sees herself in 5 years, she'll most likely feel like she's being grilled. Article Source:

10 Questions Never To Ask Your Date

Determining the best prepper websites has been an interesting exercise! Prior to exploring this I had a couple of sites I tended to go to for my own information, but was somewhat surprised to find out there are literally scores of these sites out there. The quality and focus of each site varies greatly. In arriving at my top seven best prepper websites I used subjective criteria as opposed to objective data. At first blush using objective criteria, like number of website hits, may seem a better measure. However, number of website hits and subscribers can be a little misleading since some webmasters may be more skilled at building traffic than others. Plus some websites can get a high Google page rank, but haven't been updated in years. One high ranking site's founder and main writer is dead! In my opinion, number of subscribers and site hits correlates to popularity but not necessarily to utility of the site. One could argue that without utility the site wouldn't be as popular. True to an extent but there are a number of additional issues to consider. For example, is the website inviting and intuitive to navigate? How much advertising coexists on the site? Are the ads helpful or a distraction? Does the site charge money or have an upgrade available? Is it worth the extra cost? Etc. Here's the criteria I used in my evaluation: • Overall utility / usefulness; ease of use; intuitive; lack of clutter • Best organization of topics • Best prepper food / nutrition site • Best prepper networking site • Best prepper first aid advise site • Best use of prepper photos with articles • Best Suburban Style Prepper Site The list of criteria could go on but after researching and ranking dozens of sites the criteria listed above are the key areas where the sites listed below really separated themselves from the pack. Additionally, I would encourage you to use a selection of diversified prepper sites instead of just one. For example, a site for prepper nutrition, another for prepper first aid and another for networking allows for a comprehensive approach to gathering knowledge, then integrating and applying your skills. With no further adieu here are my results with a brief explanation for each category. 1) Best overall site for utility & usefulness, intuitive ease of use & lack of clutter: • o Comprehensive, easy to use and well organized. Excellent list of free Kindle books, tons of useful products, how to's, videos and useful ads. Overall a great resource! 2) Best Organization of Topics • o This a solid site in the vein of I gave the edge when it came to organizing its topics as the site is very clean with a clear sense of purpose. This site tends to look a little more at current events and link them to living off the grid. Great source of intel! 3) Best Prepper Food & Nutrition Site: • o Packed with meal guides and nutrition tips all geared to preparing for survival mode. Lots of helpful tips for those new to prepping. 4) Best Networking Prepper Site: • o Hands down, by far the best site for building a network with those of like mind. Does have a $60 upgrade option which opens the door to discounts on all merchants displaying on this site. Not a bad deal if you plan to shop. The site can take a little time to navigate but overall an outstanding prepper site to ad to your favorites list. 5) Best First Aid Prepper Site: • o Outstanding site for the prepper needing to ramp up his or her first aid skill set. Loaded with information and easy to navigate. Written for the lay person so no need to have a health care background. Another must have in your favorites. 6) Best Use of Prepper Photos with Articles: • o A picture is worth a thousand words and this site does a nice job of integrating outstanding prepper content with relevant photos. A few too many links to non-prepper related material but the breadth of the relevant content is top drawer. 7) Best Suburban Style Prepper Site • o Say what... suburban style prepper site? This is a prepper site built for the millions of us that aren't looking to move off the grid or spend half a million dollars to build a prepper home secluded somewhere in the Rockies. This is an uber practical, easy to navigate site loaded with useful topics any suburbanite can relate to. Put this in your favs. That's the list... your top seven! Ad these to your favs, visit them often, sign up for a newsletter or two and you'll be in good hands. Again, there are scores of prepper sites. These seven stood out. Additionally several of the sites above also rank at or near the top in objective data... just no dead owners (Google page rank, Alexa Rankings, etc). I welcome your feed back as I plan to revisit this topic from time to time. Article Source:

Best Prepper Websites - Top 7