Promoting Your Kindle or eBook Title with Google+ and Other Google Tools

Unless you've been living under a Wi-Fi-less rock for the last few years, there's no doubt that you're well aware of the so-called "rivalry" between Facebook and Google Plus. It's really more akin to Facebook being in the "big leagues" in regards to social media marketing, and Google Plus bringing up the rear in the minor leagues. The very, very minor leagues... Since we're already well aware of the many benefits and opportunities of marketing your Kindle e-book on Facebook and Twitter (which, in case you missed them, you can read by clicking their respective links back there), it's time to take a look at Google Plus and some additional Google tools you can use. Google Plus Google plus is a good place to easily share blog posts or other content to those in your circles. It integrates well with wordpress and you can use social media tools like Hootsuite to easily post to your Google Plus page. Similar to Facebook, you have a general Google Plus account and also a specific 'page' as well. Google Plus Hangouts Out of all of the features of the Google Plus service, you'd do well to pay close attention to the potential of marketing your Kindle e-book via Google Plus Hangouts. What these Hangouts are, essentially, is a place for people to video chat - face-to-face - with up to nine other friends, coworkers or, in your case, promising Kindle e-book authors. This works best as additional marketing to a built-in fan base such as an email list or a Facebook page. You can get more info at Google Alerts and Google Docs Okay, so you're probably scratching your head at this one going, "But wait, Google Alerts and Google Docs aren't technically a part of Google Plus at all, are they?" And congratulations friend, because you're correct! However, when you take into account the fact that the vast majority of people who use Google Plus are much more likely to utilize all of Google's various offerings such as Gmail, Google Docs and, more on topic, Google Plus, you can see that many of the Google tools work well together. It's obvious that Google Plus leaves much to be desired in terms of features, popularity and total number of users. However, it's actually pretty useful to utilize it when self-marketing your Kindle e-book when you're using Google Plus in conjunction with some of Google's other similar services. For instance, with Google Alerts you can actually have Google alert you anytime a specific mention of either you or your e-book(s) is made in the mainstream media. You can also have it alert you for any major news regarding the overall topic, niche or industry of your particular Kindle e-book to possibly take advantage of. With Google Docs you can essentially give away free content in the interests of hooking readers to buy your book. And since you can link, bold and format text within Google Docs with ease, you can easily provide a "Love it? Then buy it!" type soft-sell at the end, complete with a link to your Kindle e-book on Amazon. Upload these to document sharing sites like Scribed and Docstoc. All in all, as with most social media outlets, you get what you put into self-publishing your Kindle e-book on Google Plus. There's certainly ways to do so, but what you really need to decide is if it's worth such an effort when equal or even better results can be found much easier elsewhere. Discover how easy it is to make an income as a Kindle publisher, with NO Professional Writing Experience. This Free Report Will Show You How To Easily Write, Format, And Publish To The Kindle! Free Kindle Publishing Report Easy Kindle Publishing Article Source:
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