Five Reasons Why Love Is All You Need!

Whatever your business, whether a soldier or an entrepreneur, there is a vital ingredient to your success, love. So whilst many others will tell you about how you need a sound business plan, excellent contacts and assured competence, I'm going to describe why an intangible emotion is just as important. I enjoy looking at things from a different perspective so allow me to explain what I'm on about. First, what is love? Now, before you give us any jokey responses about Haddaway's 1993 smash, I'll give you the dictionary definition which is 'a strong feeling of affection' or 'a great interest and pleasure in something'. So from this you can see that if you have a real passion for something, you 'love' it. But why's that important? Well let's carry on and I'll show you five areas which this love is vital to your continued success. 1. Love your job If you want to excel in whatever line of work you chose, you have to be truly passionate about it. There is a real difference between someone who endures the daily grind and lives for the weekend and someone who is inspired by their job, who believes in relentlessly pursuing excellence. These are the people who don't go to work to earn a wage but instead for a love of their chosen career. This may sound familiar to those in the forces. I mean we all learnt pretty quickly that we wouldn't be making our fortunes whilst serving. But it was never for the money, it was all about the lifestyle, the excitement, the esprit de corps. In return for hard work and sacrifice, everything else will be taken care of. Organisations like Google have copied this approach leading to them topping the Best Company to work for chart for the sixth year running. They provide gym access, great leave entitlements, health care and a work environment which makes people want to be there. So if you are an employee, think about what truly motivates you, what your passions are, what you would do for free and then find a career within it. If you are an employer, make your staff feel safe and cared about and they'll be loyal and hardworking. 2. Love your product If you are going to promote a product or service, well you have to truly think it's the best thing since sliced bread. How else are you going to find the motivation to keep trying to sell it, how else are you going to find the enthusiasm to capture your customers interest and prompt them to say, 'I'll take it'? It's because you believe in it, because it genuinely is the best thing since sliced bread. Now sure you could do this for a substandard product or service, you could sell a load of captivating fabrications and probably make a load of money. But where would that leave you? You'd be unethical and you'd be selling someone something they don't want or need. That is pretty much the antipathy of what we're getting at here. The bottom line is that you don't need to sell your soul and integrity in order to make money, you just need an amazing product. However if you know your passions and have identified a product that serves that passion, it's likely that both you and other like minded people will love that product or service and therefore buy it. 3. Love your company Similar to the concept of loving your product in order to sell it, you need to love the company you own or work for. If you don't believe in it how is anyone else? That's the key to this, selling your company to the customer in order to reassure them that their best interests are being considered. For a person to part with their hard-earned cash they need to know three things, that the product is awesome, that the salesperson cares about them and isn't just looking to take their money and that the company cares about them too. Get these and there's no reason why a customer won't buy. So let's say you identified that your passion is soldiering and protecting people. You therefore decide that you want to create a service to provide for monetary gain-in this case your protection services. You love that you can do this for a living, you train hard and gain as many qualifications as possible. You are positive and highly motivated and come across as enthusiastic as hell. Remember that in this case you are the product, the company and the salesman. Your customer is the company you want to work for, the private security company. You have this love and it's going to be a lot easier to achieve your goals because of this. 4. Love people In our opinion, everything has to be driven by a desire to better the lives of others. This is a way to ethically conduct yourself and your business affairs. This may sound contradictory to some but think about it, the soldier who goes on operations is not there to rape and pillage, he is there to protect those unable to protect themselves. Steve Jobs created the I-pod to better people's lives through a vision of beautifully crafted portable media players. Others will be driven to create wealth so they can use it to help others. Just look at Bill Gates for an example of an individual who uses their wealth to better the lives of those less fortunate. If you are motivated by something greater than personal materialism, it's likely you will finder deeper reserves when the going gets tough. There is more than just you riding on this so there is a greater imperative not to fail. It's worth noting that your ambitions don't have to be as grand as those of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation but there should still be some. Maybe you would like to sponsor the local kids football team or spare an afternoon to take an elderly person for a coffee. 5. Love life Tying all the above points together to provide for a truly successful experience in whatever you do is an ability to see how amazing the world around us is. The ability to wake in the morning and appreciate how many good things surround us, how lucky we truly are. Sure we are all going to go through some pain from time to time, relationship problems, money worries and the rest but if we can allow ourselves to smell the roses on a daily basis, we'll see it's actually not that bad. If we get into that mind-set then we will start to love life. We'll identify our passions, what makes us tick and then seek to do them more often. From there we will begin to assess the other ways we can improve our lives and that's what brings us full circle to loving our job. If we find ourselves miserable and trapped because of our job, we can do some self analysis then drive towards what we truly want to do with our lives. That's the way love leads to success. Article Source:
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