Death And Dying - How Joining The Didhediedidhe Club Awaits Us

A FAQ at a football club centenary that I recently attended was Didhediedidhe? Many conversations went like this. 'Where's (name of person)? 'Oh, (person's name) is dead (or some euphemism). 'Didhediedidhe?' It seemed that many people had joined the Didhediedidhe Club. (I guess there's a Didshediedidshe Club, but... ) When it comes to living a longer, better life, we know two things: most people wouldn't say no to living an extra day, and very few people want to live forever. (Even the mythical Tithonas and Gulliver's Struldbrugs sought mortality.) So it looks as though we'll all gain membership of the Didhediedidhe Club at some time - even Groucho Marx, who claimed he'd never join a club that would have him as a member. FREE membership of the Didhediedidhe Club is awaiting all of us, and this article contains some information that could be of help to you. If you'd like to find out if someone has already joined the Didhediedidhe Club, just go to and follow the prompts. Alternatively, Google 'Did he die?' and you'll get there, too. If you'd like to find out how to delay joining the Club, details are produced below. Old age is not a criteria for membership of the Didhediedidhe Club. Very few people die of something called 'old age'; inevitably, other things intervene - medical conditions, accidents, etc. The good news is that maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce most of the more common dis-eases of ageing as well as fostering a sense of well-being and, therefore delaying joining the Didhediedidhe Club too soon. Club membership is open to everyone, is free, and it can be delayed by following some simple things. Article Source:
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