The 7 Steps of Speed Repetition - The Key To Learning Anything Fast!
Some people 'get it' instantly. Some get it much later. Some dawdle on the fringes of 'getting it', but ramble on with aching indecision. Some, no matter what, will never ever get it.
What is it that I'm talking about when I say 'get it'? I'm talking about nailing, acquiring, stamping one's teeth and claws into a skill, a strategy, a technique - a particular 'thing' that you're looking to master.
Now, how is it that two people can exit from an intensive, practical, and life-changing marketing seminar, and have extreme opposite opinions about what they witnessed? Well, let's say we take out and put aside the fact that early childhood upbringing, one's own wealth consciousness, the ability to listen attentively, dysfunctional family relations, one's own inner self-image, and a number of other influencing factors that could have an overall effect on how a person turns out. The key to one's success is acting and implementing on the given information.
But here's the real key: Taking action and implementing at a speed and repetition in direct proportion to the quality of life and the monetary rewards you desire. You see, we can all get to the desired destination, but when? Yes, there is a school of thought that says 'slow and steady'. Nothing wrong in that. However, one has to get clear what 'slow and steady' means. One could interpret it as go as slow and as comfortably as you're happy with, and then, move on. The danger with that way of functioning is a person has their own snug comfort zone and will do nothing to risk stepping outside that.
Another school of thought is to get into the groove to create massive action. The main problem with that is most people do not know what it takes to get into the zone of massive action. They've not experienced what the feeling is like. And, when people hear about creating massive action and creating huge tidal waves with their marketing and business building, people are all at sea with that comment.
I believe a merging of the schools of thought on this can give results that can literally stun you. Here's the idea: Pick one area, skill, or marketing strategy you want to learn, and take massive action in deeply understanding it so that it becomes second nature to you - within a matter days or weeks!
Nothing too alarming or complicated about it, right? However, if we want to get hip and wise, it doesn't mean we'll instantly be showered with wisdom and street smarts - we've got to become proactive in wanting to make the thing we want to learn become embedded into our brains as fast as possible.
So, how do we go about doing this? Well, there's a 7-step process that can elevate you to a level you may not have conceived possible before reading this.
Before I go over the seven steps, I want you to choose a particular skill or marketing strategy you want to excel in. Okay, as your choice will differ from another, let us, for this exercise, go with becoming a half-decent copywriter as our most cherished and desired goal.
So, here then is the seven step process:
1. Mentally rehearse that you are a decent copywriter. Align your mental thoughts to that of a known, proven, results based copywriter. And, that in your mind you see yourself actually writing great copy like your chosen copywriter. Then, you turn and see the joy on the faces of one of your customers as they read and buy from something you've written. Practice this mental rehearsal 5 times a day for the next 2-3 days. Simplistic, but you've got to abandon any preconceived notions you may have, and simply 'get with the programme'.
2. Build a metal sheet of indestructibility around your self-image that cannot be penetrated by anyone or anything, unless you give them explicit permission. The problem with our own head, is that we get sidetracked, swayed, rattled and buy into other people's opinions of us. How do we build this sheet of indestructibility around us? By thinking the exact opposite of the thoughts that would've crippled you before! Simple, but life changing. The key here is to learn to dissect, diffuse and filter anything that looks like a harmful arrow coming your direction. If previously, someone said, "What the heck is she up to now?", instead of your normal knee jerk reactions, what happens if you say to yourself, "Wow, those comments weren't for me. Why do I need to be greedy and accept them?". Life is totally a mind game.
3. Actually write out in your own handwriting the sales letters and marketing documents of the copywriter you most admire. In this way you will get to be mentally and emotionally in sync with your chosen copywriter. Write one or two pieces per day.
4. Teach the basics of writing good advertising to someone you know. Or, say it out aloud, as if you're talking to someone. Or, pretend that you have an imaginary business owner sitting across the table from you and you're going to explain exactly what it takes to write effective advertising. Do this once, twice, or three times a day until you feel bored because you know it, inside out.
5. Start tweaking and adopting what your brain has been gathering for your own salesletters or marketing documents. If you have no business yet, then merely pick a product or service and sell it through your own writing, using what you've gathered in the previous steps.
6. Keep a few key point reminder cards, which you can easily create, with you at all times so you can refer to them whenever you want. Have the words SPEED, RESULTS, ACTION, COPYWRITER, FAST, MONEY, INDESTRUCABLE, FLUID, ACCELERATION. You may feel you'd rather plug these words into a notes or reminder section of your mobile phone, diary, or planner.
7. Every marketing piece you come across, ask yourself, "How would I make it better? How would I increase response? How would I turn it into a money spinner for the advertiser or marketer?" When you start thinking like this - a true copywriter's mindset - your mental connectors will be on red alert, looking out for those very distinctions that'll get you the label 'most wanted' in the copywriters club.
Now, I'll agree that looking at the above seems like a lot of work. However, if we take out the words 'lot of work' and think of it as "simple steps that'll get me rich and that'll stop me from aimlessly looking here and there; wondering how I'm going to master the art and science of writing advertising copy", then things begin to flow internally.
See, looking at it like that, there's a forward momentum, a pulse of activity racing through the blood. Now that's the feeling you want to have, continuously. And, speedy repetition of all the above steps is vital to making progress, fast.
We have a duty and obligation to all those who depend on us to do something fantastic and revolutionary - something we've been promising for a number of years now but have yet to see the big windfall crash through and burst into our lives.
Whether it's mastering the copywriting function of your business, the sales training, the Google AdWords technology, the business systems and processes, the customer care strategies, whatever it is - if you set your mind to work on a philosophy of speed, and work it around a practical plan, you'll see a vast difference in the results of your life.
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